Monday, September 30, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019 Maine to Seattle

ME – Seattle, Saturday, Sept. 7, 2019

We have been planning this trip for about 16 months but it has been an idea of mine since nearly forever.  Alaska was the first state to join the union in my lifetime.  (Have I mentioned yet that I’m getting old).  It was certainly newsworthy at the time.  I’ve enjoyed learning about its history, culture, flora and fauna over the years.  I know many who have visited and met folks who have lived there.  This seems like a great way to get an overview of at least coastal southeastern Alaska.  I get that this could be likened to visiting Kittery, Camden and Calais, ME and saying you’ve visited Maine!  So especially in the coming years when I tell my tales of Alaska, I’ll try to keep that in mind.

Last week we kept our eyes on the news following the track of hurricane Dorian.  It is always a relief to have a hurricane pass far enough away from our Florida home to not cause any problems.  But, it is so very sad to see the destruction that is caused where it does make its impact.  As it turns out we departed Hampden, ME this morning during a steady rain delivered by Dorian, a then category 1 hurricane headed to the Maritime Provinces of Canada.

Allan and I drove to East Madison, ME to pick up the original planners of this trip, our good friends, Dave and Sue.  This trip is part of her 50th birthday celebration year.  They told us their plans for this trip in the spring of 2018 and we welcomed the opportunity to join in the fun.  While we were at their lovely home on Lake Wesserunset this morning, Allan remembered that he had forgotten to empty the kitchen trash.  I realized in my excitement to get started I had left without a belt.  A quick text to our son, Jake, and the trash issue was addressed and a text to cousin Laurie and fingers crossed she could come up with a belt for me.

From the lake we drove to Portland, ME.  Lau had a belt for me.  (Thanks Patrick).  She got us to the bus station and is keeping the truck at her house while we are gone.  We caught a Concord Coach, which delivered us to Logan Airport in Boston.   

We departed at 7:30 pm via JetBlue to Seattle.  The flight was 6 hours long.  We lost 3 hours to time zones so arrived at 10:30 pm Pacific time.  

However, the airport here had been experiencing storms.  They had power issues and hadn’t been able to refuel airplanes.  We waited in the plane for quite some time before the plane at our gate could get fuel and exit the area.  This was followed by an extra long wait for our luggage.  We are spending the night at an airport hotel but had to wait about a half hour before the shuttle arrived.  Once at the hotel we made arrangements for another shuttle to the dock at 9 am.  After a long day of traveling we happily hit the sack at about 1:00 am.  (4:00 am eastern time).

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