Here's Allan with his student, Oksana, and her daughter, Amelia. They are from Ukraine. He is tutoring Oksana in English.
This is my new student, Joliette. She is from Haiti. In addition to working with her I have continued to work with Yaroslava my student from Ukraine that I started with in March of 2017.
All three of our students are dedicated to learning to read, write and speak English. In addition to working 1 on 1 with us weekly for 1 1/2 - 2 hours they participate in additional group lessons. It is a joy to work with these ladies.
We had a great "winter" (7 months) in Venice. We had 14 different overnight visitors for a total of 38 nights and we entertained at least 30 for a meal or two. We do manage to keep busy. Then there's the beach and Allan's sister Terry's heated pool and the great weather for birding and walking...
Retirement is being good to us.
First stop Georgia.

This is the view as you enter the park. We are staying two nights. The night we arrived we were joined for dinner by Allan's sister Elvira and Sal. It is always nice to check in with them and catch up.
Today we spent the day in Savannah. We rode the hop on hop off tour trolly and went for a ride on a riverboat.
Here are some pictures from the trolly tour of the historic district.
They are pretty fond of statues of old fellas.
There is a bounty of beautifully restored homes and churches.
I neglected to get a picture of our trolly but did get a shot of these horses giving someone else a different tour.
We learned a lot of facts and trivia from our tour guide. It seems that the Savannah College of Art and Design has worked diligently to restore many buildings that had been abandoned.
Maybe the next time I take a tour I will take notes. Let's just say another statue of a Savannah guy.
There are a large number of squares in the Historic District and they are filled with trees, shrubs, benches, statues and or a fountain. It all seems quite lovely. The streets are narrow and it is a mystery to me where the residents park their cars.
This house is on the riverfront. It is very old and was made from bricks and ballast stones. The stones arrived aboard the old sailing vessels from England back in the day. The ships arrived with these stones to provide stability. Once in port the stones were off loaded then products and goods were loaded up to take back to England.
Great mounds of these stones accumulated so they decided to not only use them in the construction of buildings but also used them along with cobblestones to pave roads along the riverfront.