Friday, December 5, 2014

Out and About - Nov. 11 - Dec. 5, 2014

We have been able to keep ourselves busy since arriving here at our winter home in Venice, FL.  

Rebekah and three friends came down for a long weekend shortly after we arrived.  I think they all had a fun time and as FL weather would have it the sun shone and the water was warm and wet.

Allan and I enjoy fiddling around the house. We are still doing a bit of "nesting".  We like the county library and their books and CD's, beaches, the parks and preserves.  Each day we walk for a about an hour which for us is about 3 +/- miles.  The timing can depend on how many photo stops either of us make.

We took a few days (Nov. 7-11) and traveled to Gatlinburg, TN with Bill and Chris to visit with Jeff and Lynn.  Jeff and Lynn were on their way through to TX.  While we were there Allan's sister Terry, who lives in Knoxville, drove over for a day.  It was a fun few days but...  there was snow in the Smokies and the road had been closed the day before we drove through and it snowed the morning that we left but the road was open.  We got a taste of snow and cold.

The weekend of Nov. 22 -23 we drove up to Tallahassee to attend the wedding of a delightful young woman who worked with me at the Beech Hill School some years ago.  It was planned as an outside wedding but the weather did not cooperate.  Torrential rain the day before and it was anticipated for the day of the wedding so they found an alternate inside location and a grand time was had by all.  Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David and Emily Taylor.

We had a quiet but tasty Thanksgiving here in Venice.  We got the smallest turkey we could find and were still enjoying it when it was finally all eaten.

We walked here in Jelks Preserve many times last year.  

We never saw any feral hogs but we saw where they had rooted around in the trails making an uneven, watch your step, mess of things.  Until reading this notice, this fall, we did not know that they trap them or that we have DeSoto and his army to thank for their presence.

Once again we didn't see any wild hogs but we did see this fella, a somewhat friendly armadillo.

Sunday, Nov. 30 we went for a motorcycle ride to Ellenton, via Interstate 75.  There had been a fender bender and we sat in traffic for 25 minutes or so.

This is a photo of Woody's River Roo taken from the bridge over the Manatee River.  We had eaten here the day we picked up the new motorcycle last spring.

We stopped in again for lunch and had this great view from our seats.  While we were waiting to be served we returned a Face-time call to Jake and the girls that we had missed while traveling.  I think they were OK with the panoramic view that I shared...  Yes, that was yet again another cold day in Maine.  It is always a thrill for us to get to chat and visit with them.

After lunch we headed inland toward Arcadia.  We came upon this sight and were a bit perplexed and then we came upon...

acres and acres and more acres of tomato fields,

and acres and acres and more acres of orange groves,

and many acres of strawberry fields.  Long before this point we decided it was a migrant labor camp.

This is a truck filled with bins that they put the tomatoes into and then load onto the truck.  We saw a sign for Del Monte.

The soil here is questionable at best and I have been reading up on what to "add" to it.  Let's just say most of us would call this sand and not soil let alone top soil.  It seems to come in two flavors; very light tan or a darker tan.  There was no way for us to tell what they might be planning to plant here.

Did I mention oranges...

Keep in mind that your eyes aren't going bad when you look at these photos.  We were zipping along on the motorcycle at a pretty good clip and I was clicking away.  

These Sandhill Cranes were in a field and I have magnified them and that only enhances the bad case of the blurries.  We see them every so often and they are almost always in pairs.  On this trip I also came across an open marshland where there was an entire flock but by the time I figured out what I was looking at we were long gone down the road.

And of course most of us would want a good piece of beef to go with our fruits and veggies.

Every so often we head down to the beach to see a sunset.

Terry is visiting for several days and yesterday we walked in Sleeping Turtle Preserve North.  It runs along the Mayakka River. We came across several eastern mud turtles.  I suspect they were sunning and taking a nap.  Allan thinks that they were rehearsing Christmas carols and the choir conductor is the Anhinga on the far right of the log.

Last night we had neighbor Betty over to join Terry and us for dinner.  We had a raucous game of 500 Rummy.  I was not a very good hostess nor Allan a host.  I won and he came in next 25 behind me.  Oops, sorry Betty and Terry.

Various sights from our walk today (Dec. 5) on the Legacy Trail from Laurel to Venice and back.

We even saw a bridge angler catch a pretty fish that he proceeded to return to the bay.

I forgot to mention that we built and planted a raised bed.  So far we have parsley, rosemary and thyme, sweet peas and zinnias, lettuce, radish, tomatoes, spinach, peas, green beans, and cukes planted.

We have two critters watching over our garden.

And tonight we went to Sharkey's for the sunset and dinner.  Yes, we sat outside, again.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ocala, FL to Venice, FL

Anxious to get to our Florida home we had picked up some yogurt for breakfast at a nearby Publix last night and we were on Interstate 75 by 8:00 this morning.  The sun takes its time to get up here in the Sunshine State and there was land vapor again today.

We are not in Maine anymore and FL sure does love billboards.  In a one mile stretch there were 15 or more.

There was a quick splash of color.  Looks like a stray maple growing in a wet spot.

Nice to be reminded that there are a lot of beef creatures in FL.

Again this morning not sure where the traffic is hiding.

The temperature was about 85 degrees so we stopped at the Bradenton rest area and took our coats off.  Thanks to Allan's RSU24 IT buds he had a gift certificate to Central Maine Harley Davidson and purchased a rack for the top of the tour pack giving us a place for our jackets when every other spot is full.

Now this sign made me smile...

This is the nearly finished home of our friends Dawn and Rick who currently live in NH.  It is 1/2 mile from our house.  They are leasing it back to the builder as a model home for the next 3 years. By that time they hope to have employment here and make the move to being year round Venice residents.

And we made it to Queen Road.

Doesn't look like anyone is living here.  Guess that is a good thing.
Also looks like there are a couple of palm trees that need trimming.

We are pleased to share that the Subaru needed some air in her tires and the battery cables reconnected.  She started right up.  Now I just need to remember to look for this green Subaru when I park it and not the blue one that we left in Maine.

A stroll around the back yard and we discovered twin mangos and a large bunch of bananas.

We have checked in with our neighbors Bessie and Betty.  They both had a good summer.  Betty assured me that her pool has been calling my name.

Our departure was May 16 and

we returned on October 12.

We are thankful for the great friends who put us up along the trail (Dave and Sue, Eric and Elaine, Tierney, Don and Sue) the unbelievably sunny weather, and the safe ride that we had during our travels.  Today we traveled 168 miles. Our journey took a total of 12 days.  Our entire trip south was 1,948 miles.

It has been my pleasure to share our travels with you.  If you have read this blog please send me an email,, or mention it on Facebook.  I can determine how many hits the site gets daily but unless you contact me I don't know who read it.

I am planning on seeing the sun set into the gulf tonight and if I do I will post a picture here.

And as we sat watching the sunset, eating our dinner, a stealth seagull swooped in over Allan's shoulder, from the back, and snatched his piece of calzone right out of his hand...  

Some years ago he lost a donut on Clearwater Beach to a seagull and swore off eating at the beach.  He may decide to take that oath yet again.

News Flash:  Don't feed the birds at the beach.  Some day they may snatch your food.